Monday, February 6, 2012

Rerouting the Encryption. . .

I don't know about this whole blogging thing but the one thing I do know is that I fucking LOVE cheese.  LOVE.  IT.

So, fuck you and your intolerable behavior of such wonders as lactose. 


Just dropping by to say that I am probably not going to use this blog anymore.   I have an older one that is much more exploitative to my true insanity and fun loving assault rifle tag.  Um.  Yes.

So, if you happen to be browsing these intrawebnetz, and you come upon a URL that leads you to your own destruction, then I say huzzah!

If that doesn't happen and you find yourself at The End of Most Things Neat , then you will eventually soak in enough bullshit to be considered actual feces.

But alas, that is where I shall dwell from here on a out, if at all.

Do not expect much.  But hope for it.  Because that's all we can ever do.  Or....something.

Ciao and all that.  Catch ya'll on the flipside.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Sass, Jazz, Pot, Gun, Top. These are all 3-letter words.

Well, what the fuck do we have here?  A blog?  Weird.

Who in the ever living FUCK put THIS here?  Huh!?  HUH!?!?

Oh.  Right.  I did.

Almost a year since my last post and all you got was this stupid sentence.  Well.  SentenceS.

You are welcome.