I'm compelled. Drawn. Whisked away by these delusions. Or are they memories? Yeah, they're probably a mix of both really.
This is a very, very rare day for me. For some reason or another, the excited surge of writing is filling me up. I haven't quite had this feeling in years. Literally, years. But looking upon Facebook and seeing some of my friends participate in the yearly National Novel Writing Month or, Nanowrimo, has sent me into a flurry of "well, shit!".
And so I created an account on the website. I picked a username and password. I'm three days behind but from here on out, the goal is 50,000 words by November 30th, 11:59pm. I will not make it. I don't care if I do but what is getting me all whipper-snappy and bothered is that I feel my "spark" again.
It's....scary and awesome. However, I have absolutely no fucking clue what to write. In fact, I'm pretty sure I should be writing something right now instead of this oft-neglected piece of fungus I call my blog.
I'd like to just point out that I'm using this blog post for two reasons:
I'm not telling you the first reason.
The second reason? BRAINSTORM.
I have no FUCKING clue where to begin any type of story of any kind at the moment. And so as I sit here typing away at this infernal bastard, I grasp at the notion that an the ember's of a huge story-fire will catch on me and set me completely ablaze.
That is my hope, at least. Hmmm. Fire. Catching. Completely.
Ah, hell. I got nothing.
So, this is my November post. Cheers fuckers and good luck to anyone else out there attempting a go at Nanowrimo!
When chaos and idealistic stupidity coalesce and mutate into drunken diatribes of the under qualified and bitter, that is where you will be confronted by The Weird. Welcome to the Chronicles. . .
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
A little late. Happy October.
In other news. . .
Guess I'm going solo on this whole destructive sequence called "life". This is probably the way it was always going to be anyway, not that I didn't brainwash myself into thinking otherwise because I did.
Naturally, I never think in the right way when this sort of thing is concerned.
It kind of really hurts, though. Mostly for the shock. Mostly for the inevitable-ness. Yeah. Mostly the latter.
Just call me Snowman.
In other news. . .
Guess I'm going solo on this whole destructive sequence called "life". This is probably the way it was always going to be anyway, not that I didn't brainwash myself into thinking otherwise because I did.
Naturally, I never think in the right way when this sort of thing is concerned.
It kind of really hurts, though. Mostly for the shock. Mostly for the inevitable-ness. Yeah. Mostly the latter.
Just call me Snowman.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Brog prost. # 4569
Man-rape chair is out of control. +
Steven Seagal is really ugly.
Why would you do that!?!?!?
Steven Seagal is really ugly.
Why would you do that!?!?!?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
"How To Lose Your Mind In A Matter Of Moments" or "Cabbage Ain't Yer Aphrodisiac Of Choice"
Before I get to the matter at hand....
Happy September Blog Post!
And now, for the matter at hand.
I enjoy pizza. It's great stuff.
That is all.
Happy September Blog Post!
And now, for the matter at hand.
I enjoy pizza. It's great stuff.
That is all.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
No Where To Run...
Hookay. No cheap three-sentenced update today, I guess. I've been drinking so naturally the need to express my mind's junkyard of intense and irrelevant bullshit is due.
Politics. Oi. I said it. Poly - meaning many, Ticks - meaning blood sucking things
Anywhoozits. My point herein is this: I've been running madly away from most if not all political dealings for the past six years. SIX. YEARS. And it always finds me. It sucks me back in. My sad indifference of most things gets tossed to the floor as my rage and ultimate idealistic self takes hold once more. And I hate it.
I hate politics because I hate people. You cannot enforce any referendum or vote or law without a say of the people or their proper representative (ideally). Since we obviously don't know what's best for us, we tend to stray from what might lead to a progressive and intellectual society.
We end up with Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus. Reality TV. Left or Right wingers debating their own agendas. The actual use of short hand writing (LOL or OMG)via text messages and the universal Attention Deficit Disorder bullshit of the goddamned curse/blessing of the internet.
That's a fraction of what is wrong. Yes. WRONG. People in the US of A are completely and utterly BATSHIT CRAZY AND FUCKED. Not all of us. Just enough of us to make it hurt as they add (more) salt to the already bleeding injuries we've sustained as a people.
It really hurts to even begin to talk about these things. Seriously. What I see and what I know and what I am confident is the answer to it all. . . is more frustrating than a bad case of blue balls before a track meet.
And some asshole just called me and destroyed my rant-momentum. Ah, hell. I need another drink anyways. Especially after thinking about the state of the country and how 2012 SHOULD happen the way it was meant to.
Perhaps that's just the optimist in me talking.
Politics. Oi. I said it. Poly - meaning many, Ticks - meaning blood sucking things
Anywhoozits. My point herein is this: I've been running madly away from most if not all political dealings for the past six years. SIX. YEARS. And it always finds me. It sucks me back in. My sad indifference of most things gets tossed to the floor as my rage and ultimate idealistic self takes hold once more. And I hate it.
I hate politics because I hate people. You cannot enforce any referendum or vote or law without a say of the people or their proper representative (ideally). Since we obviously don't know what's best for us, we tend to stray from what might lead to a progressive and intellectual society.
We end up with Justin Beiber and Miley Cyrus. Reality TV. Left or Right wingers debating their own agendas. The actual use of short hand writing (LOL or OMG)via text messages and the universal Attention Deficit Disorder bullshit of the goddamned curse/blessing of the internet.
That's a fraction of what is wrong. Yes. WRONG. People in the US of A are completely and utterly BATSHIT CRAZY AND FUCKED. Not all of us. Just enough of us to make it hurt as they add (more) salt to the already bleeding injuries we've sustained as a people.
It really hurts to even begin to talk about these things. Seriously. What I see and what I know and what I am confident is the answer to it all. . . is more frustrating than a bad case of blue balls before a track meet.
And some asshole just called me and destroyed my rant-momentum. Ah, hell. I need another drink anyways. Especially after thinking about the state of the country and how 2012 SHOULD happen the way it was meant to.
Perhaps that's just the optimist in me talking.
Intermission Pt. 2!
August is here! Hooray!
That is all, miscreants. Continue your facade of life.
That is all, miscreants. Continue your facade of life.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Welcome to July, 2010! A new month, a new post! HUZZAH!
Right. On to the heart of the matter in which I will describe some ridiculous situation, rant about it, and then decide that there is nothing more to do about it other than make fun of anyone reading this.
And I just saved myself a very long-winded blog entry!
Goddamn, that's juicy!
Right. On to the heart of the matter in which I will describe some ridiculous situation, rant about it, and then decide that there is nothing more to do about it other than make fun of anyone reading this.
And I just saved myself a very long-winded blog entry!
Goddamn, that's juicy!
Friday, June 25, 2010
A Litany Against. . .
EVERYTHING. Yeah, you heard me. I'm having a rather rare and angst-ridden night. What better way to expel the inner busy-body demons than to bitch about shit on a blog, right? RIGHTY-O!
To really get this going, I'd like to discuss the wonderful world of banking! Yes, that's right! You too can fulfill all your dreams and desires by opening up an account at a local branch of your most favoritest money grubbing, abstrusely greed-soaked (and in some cases, not so abstruse), business that is profiting off of your very own blood, sweat, and tears!
Hip-hip, hooray for capitalism and all its zany quirks and kick backs! WHOOPS! Did I say kick backs? I meant, throw backs. Or...no. Throw pillows. YES! Open an account today and we'll give you a throw pillow FOR FREE!

Honestly, I'm just bitter because my bank kind of, sort of just fucked me a bit. It's okay, though. I'm going to rail their faces with something large, hard, and metallic if they don't fix it for me tomorrow.
The amount of incompetence in the service industry is increasing. I should know, I'm one of the small cogs working inside the beastly machine. The question I have to ask; is it honestly just lack of competence or is it all some contrived business propaganda? If it's the latter, bravo! A true capitalist strategy, you smarmy fucks! But, in all honesty, it's probably the worst of both worlds. A little of Column A, a little of Column B.
The only thing I know for certain is that I'm getting a raw deal. When the sun has already begun its task of warming the leaves on the trees, the lawns of the streaming suburban domiciles , the concrete war zone of the city, and the seats and dashboards of every vehicle not in the shelter of a garage, I will be wrecking havoc on whatever poor soul picks up that phone when I call on them tomorrow. There will be justice. It will be swift and severe. Okay, fine. It's not that dramatic but what the fuck, I'm livid here, damn it! I WANT THE MONEY THAT IS MINE.
They will rue the day they messed with me, oh yes. Yes, they will. This is only the beginning.
To really get this going, I'd like to discuss the wonderful world of banking! Yes, that's right! You too can fulfill all your dreams and desires by opening up an account at a local branch of your most favoritest money grubbing, abstrusely greed-soaked (and in some cases, not so abstruse), business that is profiting off of your very own blood, sweat, and tears!
Hip-hip, hooray for capitalism and all its zany quirks and kick backs! WHOOPS! Did I say kick backs? I meant, throw backs. Or...no. Throw pillows. YES! Open an account today and we'll give you a throw pillow FOR FREE!
Honestly, I'm just bitter because my bank kind of, sort of just fucked me a bit. It's okay, though. I'm going to rail their faces with something large, hard, and metallic if they don't fix it for me tomorrow.
The amount of incompetence in the service industry is increasing. I should know, I'm one of the small cogs working inside the beastly machine. The question I have to ask; is it honestly just lack of competence or is it all some contrived business propaganda? If it's the latter, bravo! A true capitalist strategy, you smarmy fucks! But, in all honesty, it's probably the worst of both worlds. A little of Column A, a little of Column B.
The only thing I know for certain is that I'm getting a raw deal. When the sun has already begun its task of warming the leaves on the trees, the lawns of the streaming suburban domiciles , the concrete war zone of the city, and the seats and dashboards of every vehicle not in the shelter of a garage, I will be wrecking havoc on whatever poor soul picks up that phone when I call on them tomorrow. There will be justice. It will be swift and severe. Okay, fine. It's not that dramatic but what the fuck, I'm livid here, damn it! I WANT THE MONEY THAT IS MINE.
They will rue the day they messed with me, oh yes. Yes, they will. This is only the beginning.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Welcome Home.
I have a few other blogs that I write about nonsensical things such as why there was a growth on my left testicle that actually turned out to be my right testicle or how life can suck the marrow from even your soul's bones. You know, light-hearted material. Sadly, none of them are updated on a regular basis. And voila! Here I am once again. This blog was created in an attempt to rekindle that strange and fiery passion. However, I've done this before. Start a new blog, write a few entries. Let it rot.
This is not going to happen this time around. I've got a new idea, new and freshly drilled impetus driving me here and I will not allow it to run out of steam. YOU HEAR ME!??!?
That's right, Blogger. I'm adamant, you violent shit.
So, to my new readers I say welcome! To people who have been to my blogs before, I have only one quick and simple thing to say: Run. Run like there's a mutant priest coming to eat your brains out all for the Glory of Marduk.
WELCOME TO THE CHRONICLES OF THE FALLEN. (Not to be confused with some horrifyingly awful movie with a similar name)
Adios for now. . .
This is not going to happen this time around. I've got a new idea, new and freshly drilled impetus driving me here and I will not allow it to run out of steam. YOU HEAR ME!??!?
That's right, Blogger. I'm adamant, you violent shit.
So, to my new readers I say welcome! To people who have been to my blogs before, I have only one quick and simple thing to say: Run. Run like there's a mutant priest coming to eat your brains out all for the Glory of Marduk.
WELCOME TO THE CHRONICLES OF THE FALLEN. (Not to be confused with some horrifyingly awful movie with a similar name)
Adios for now. . .
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